Health Professionals can find TB guidelines, forms, education, and resources in this section. Provincial TB Services is committed to providing British Columbians with appropriate, timely, and safe care.
(Rapid Access to Consultative Expertise)
Family physicians, nurse practitioners, specialists, midwives and residents throughout BC can access TB physician support through the RACEapp. The RaceApp is an online application exclusively for care providers to request specialist advice. Details about using the RACEapp can be found on the RACEconnect website.
All BC health care providers use the TB Screening Form to document pertinent clinical information required for TBS to follow up and make recommendations appropriately.
The following forms should be used to refer patients to the New Westminster or Vancouver TB clinics.
Client handouts for TB tests
Medication forms
Client handouts for TB Medications
Watch a recording of the 2023 BCCDC Provincial TB Manual Update
Have you joined Stop TB Canada? They are a network of Canadians committed to ending TB at home and abroad. #endtb

Every few months, Stop TB Canada hosts a National Call to bring together all those in Canada who are involved in the fight to end TB.
World TB Day
Each year, we commemorate World TB Day on March 24 to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB and step up efforts to end the global TB epidemic.
The Importance of Linking TB Survivors to Primary Care Infographic